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Causes of Depression in a Stay At Home Mom – How To Overcome Them

causes of depression for stay at home mom and how to overcome them

If you are looking for the causes of depression in a Stay At Home Mom and how to overcome them, then this is for you.

Being a Stay At Home Mom is completely exhausting and demanding. 

You spend most part of your days cooking, packing lunches, driving kids to and fro school, folding laundry, entertaining a baby, cleaning bathrooms, grocery shopping… 

The to-do list is never-ending and very unfulfilling.

Even calls the life of a Stay At Home Mom a beautiful disaster.

According to a 2012 Gallup analysis, which included more than 60,000 U.S. women, stay-at-home moms reported feeling more sadness, stress, anger, worry, and depression than employed moms.

The poll also concluded that stay-at-home moms don’t feel as many happy emotions. 

They smile less, learn fewer things, and experience decreased enjoyment.  

See ehh, being a SAHM is just as much a job as any 9-5 position.

It’s even worse than that because you can’t clock out at the end of the day.

It’s non-stop stress met with non-stop demands, and the pressure of it all can be overwhelming.

These incessant demands are the reason many parents experience Stay At Home Mom depression.

Depression is a real thing. 

It is also a devastating thing that can completely suck away the joy of motherhood.  

So, we’ll be looking at what causes depression and how to overcome it.

causes of depression for stay at home mom and how to overcome them
causes of depression for stay at home mom and how to overcome them

Causes of Stay At Home Mom depression

Stay At Home Mom depression does not come from only one source. 

But in general, below are some potential causes of SAHM Depression, in no particular order.

1. Feeling like a failure.

2. Comparing yourself with other parents, especially on social media.

3. Financial stress.

4. Criticism from friends and family members.

5. Lack of recognition or appreciation.

6. Body Shaming

How do we overcome Stay At Home Mom depression?

Thankfully, depression isn’t a death sentence. Also, the subject is no longer taboo in our part of the world. People can now freely share their experiences thereby helping others who are going through the same. 

Here are a few suggestions to help you overcome:

  • Keep a journal. Yes, write about your experience and daily life.
  • Connect with other SAHMs around you.
  • Reach out to a therapist or counsellor
  • Workout more often
  • Sleep well 
  • Have realistic expectations, and try to keep things in perspective.
  • Start a hobby.
  • Have conversations with your spouse.
  • Try to create time to leave the home as often as you can
  • Pray. Build a relationship with God.


Stay At Home Mom depression is not a joke.

If by any chance you suspect that you’re experiencing some or all of the symptoms enumerated, please seek HELP. You might want to start by confiding in a trusted friend, relative, pastor, or better still your spouse. 

Motherhood is a journey made easy when we have the right people in our corner. ?

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You will find encouragement from other SAHM who are doing amazing things in their own spaces.

I have been there and done that. You don’t have to walk these paths alone, let me walk through them with you.

I wish you well.


Motherhood is a journey made easy when we have the right people in our corner. ?

Click this link to take you to the amazing world of motherhood

Keep being #fabulous ?

Love & Light 

Viv ?

PPS: I have written an eBook that deals exclusively on the subject of Depression. Click the link on my blog to grab your copy. It’s FREE 

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