How to Make Money Online as a Voiceover Artist

Did you know that you can make money online using just your voice and working as a voiceover artist?
Follow on as I reveal more to you in this article about how you can make money as a voiceover artist.
I remember watching Tom and Jerry as a little kid and asking myself how those creatures were talking.
That was too big a mystery for 5-year-old me.
After years and years of research, the mystery finally unfolded, and I have come to tell you what I found out.
Not just that, though, but how you can be just like what I found out.
“I love hearing you talk. You have a beautiful voice.”
“Your voice is so sweet.”
“Ohh, I love the way you talk.”
“Wow, your voice can have a show of its own.”
If you’ve heard all these or some variation of them, then maybe you should consider being a voiceover artist.
Think of the Dragon in the movie Merlin if you have no idea who a voiceover artist is. Or all the cartoons you have watched.
These are not the only places you find voiceover artists, though.
If you’ve called a bank’s customer care, the person who says, “You have reached the customer care of…” is a voiceover artist.
When you try calling your friend and then a recorded voice says, “You don’t have sufficient balance to make this call…” that is a voiceover artist.
Voiceover artists are everywhere – on adverts, audiobooks, podcasts, etc.
If you’re considering a path in this diverse field, then you’re at the right place.
Read this next:
How To Make Money as a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM)

How to become a Voiceover Artist
Before you start making money as a voiceover artist, you must know how to become one.
The essential thing in this career is your voice. Duh.
Remember that no one can see you, so your voice needs to convey the emotions and nuances usually expressed through the body.
And this leads to my first tip.
1. Get voiceover training:
There are a lot of voiceover training centres or classes.
A typical voiceover training session teaches you voice modulation, intonation, pitch, etc.
You will learn how to control your breathing, your pitch, your emotions, etc.
You also learn how to read correctly.
Yes, read.
There’s more to reading than knowing how to pronounce words.
Join a voiceover training class either online or offline and kick start your career!
2. Listen and learn from good speakers:
I will advise that you turn the TV off or make sure it isn’t a video.
Use your ears to detect emotion, intonation, pitch, breathing, pauses, modulation, etc.
Let your ears be all your sense organs.
If you don’t know any good speakers, you can listen to TED speakers, Newscasters, politicians (some like Barrack and Michelle Obama, Theresa May, etc.); even the British Royal Family members are good speakers.
Just listen to any of their speeches.
3. Always read aloud:
Reading aloud makes you hear your voice and know how you sound.
When reading aloud, it’s good practice to record yourself so that you can listen to it later and make corrections.
Read aloud every day.
Read a newspaper, a text message, a book, etc.
Whatever you find, just read aloud.
4. Eat foods that are good for your voice:
Yes, some foods are not suitable for your voice.
Oily or fried foods, for example, are not good choices.
Make sure you do all you can to have a healthy voice.
Some of such foods include; citrus fruits, warm tea, bacon, ice cream, etc.
5. Don’t Get Tired of Learning:
Just like most fields, this one, too, is evolving.
Learn every new trick and technique you can get your hands on.
Don’t stick to what you learnt in your class. Instead, keep discovering new ways to do your job.
You also need to practice for different characters.
If you can voice-act different characters, the more opportunities you will get.
6. Get Familiar with Audio Editing Software
Know how to use some software that will make your audios professional.
Learn to cut, trim, reduce noise margin, etc., of your audios.
Just as video editing is necessary for a YouTuber, audio editing is essential for a voiceover artist.
Now that we’re done with this, we are moving to the next important topic – equipment!
Yes, your voice is sweet and has a personality of its own; you need some equipment to enhance it.
7. Get the right equipment for voiceover production:
Now listen: for every expensive piece of equipment, there is a cheaper alternative.
As a beginner, you don’t need the big, expensive stuff.
A new Youtuber can start with a good phone camera, so why can’t you start with something cheap?
Apart from the fact that you may not have the money, the technicality of the equipment may be too much of a trouble for you.
Whatever be the case, here are a few pieces of equipment every voiceover artiste must have:
i. Microphone:
it could be a USB microphone at first.
ii. A headset:
These are so you can hear your voice and how you sound clearly.
Put your hands over your ears while speaking. What do you notice?
iii. A suitable environment:
A noisy environment is a no-no.
This is the same for an echoing environment too.
If you have a room, fill it up with soft material like curtains, cushions, etc., to absorb the sounds (echoes).
Complicated things like furniture do not absorb sounds.
iv. A Recording and Audio Editing Software:
Your phone may not be the best recording equipment.
However, installing voice recording software on your phone or laptop may be a good option.
A recording software helps make your audio more professional by reducing the noise margin, making your voice audible, etc.
Audio editing software, on the other hand, does other things recording software can’t do.
You can find so many audio editing software on the internet. The most common software is Audacity.
How Can I Get a Job as a Voiceover Artist?
The easiest way to get a job is by marketing yourself.
You market yourself by getting on platforms like Fiverr, UpWork,,, etc. or using your social media.
Social media platforms like LinkedIn are significant.
Just like acting roles, you can get a voiceover acting role by auditioning.
You have to be able to put yourself out there. Then, you can audition either online or physically.
You also have to create a demo.
A demo is a portfolio of sorts.
This is where you showcase your ability as a voiceover artist.
Helpful article:
Follow These 3 Easy Steps to Build a Brand as a Stay At Home Mom
Other Tips You Will Need as a Voiceover Artist
1. Always record when you know your voice is best. For some, it is in the morning and others in the evenings.
2. Take soothing liquids like tea and soup.
3. Always practice before standing in front of your microphone. You should note all nuances, words, emotions, etc. different, on your script.
4. Record when you have strength.
5. Don’t worry about the payment rate in the beginning. Instead, use all little jobs to build your portfolio!
Being a voiceover artist isn’t as simple as it sounds.
At first, it sounds so daunting, but it starts to get easier as you get older in the business.
Just like many other sectors, there are millions of people competing for the same jobs.
So try to be the best you can be out there.
Voice acting takes patience, hard work, your ability to get into character, etc., to deliver effectively.
Remember that word of mouth is essential in this business.
So be sure to take every job seriously . . . even the small ones.
Go on, honey! Start training your voice.
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I’m rooting for you.
Keep being #fabulous💋
Awesome! I love the article on voiceover work.
That’s cool. I’m glad you loved it.
Thanks for this article… very detailed