Helpful Tips That Could Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

What could increase my chances of getting pregnant now?
A significant question on the heart of every woman who has been told this or that about her reproductive health.
Pregnancy is a beautiful experience, and every woman would want and pray to have.
I have earlier outlined a few reasons that cause infertility in women, which you can go through again.
So let’s continue to what we have today.
What can increase your chances of getting pregnant?
Below are some of the tips that could help to increase your chances of getting pregnant;
1. You need to calm down:
The need to have a baby after a few tries in the years can put you at an edge.
You become emotional, and you don’t know that getting pregnant has a lot to do with your emotions.
And these emotional issues you cause for yourself are often more challenging to treat than the physical fertility problem.
So what’s the point, baby girl? Breath, be calm and easy on yourself.
2. Start taking prenatal vitamins;
Do you know that ferrous and folic acid, the drugs given to pregnant moms in the hospital?
Expecting moms, even before marriage, is advised by medical practitioners to start taking these supplements.
Folate helps achieve pregnancy; improves the outcome of fertility treatments
Getting enough folic acid (the synthetic form of folate) isn’t just an intelligent choice during pregnancy.
It may be wise to supplement when trying to conceive, too.
Folate supplementation before conception has been associated with a greater chance of getting pregnant, improved success with fertility treatments, and reduced risk of neural tube defects in the baby.
Read this next:
10 Awesome Foods that Nourish Pregnant and Breastfeeding Moms

3. Know your fertile window:
It’s important to note that there are days you can get pregnant quickly and days you won’t get pregnant even if you drink the semen😎.
It’s left for you to find out how many days your period is for, know the days of your ovulation and maximise it.
A quick way I learned how to count this thing.
The first day you see the drop of blood ( your period), count three days after you stopped bleeding ( you are not so fertile, but the next 6 – 10days are your most fertile days.
These are the days to maximise, if possible, knack every second of this days.🙏
4. Have frequent sex:
This is one thing that improves your chances a whole lot.
There are ladies for whom the idea of a fertile window doesn’t work.
Because this hormone thing can be very tricky at times.
So if you are a mom whose fertile window thing has failed, then try banging everyday🥳.
You have nothing to lose and a child to gain at the end of the day.🥂
Helpful article:
15 Sure Ways to Connect With Your Spouse
5. Live healthily:
Everything you would want to see in your life boils down to living a healthy lifestyle.
And trying to get pregnant, you should take on a different healthy lifestyle.
Most doctors will recommend that you make an appointment with your obstetrician before you’re pregnant.
At this preconception visit, you’ll talk about existing health problems and get screened for genetic diseases. You can also address other health concerns you might have.
Your doctor might recommend that you make lifestyle changes before you get pregnant. These might include:
- Take lots of water
- Loads of fruits
- Avoid cigarettes
- Avoid alcohol
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Reduce intake of caffeine.
Moreso, eat beneficial more fibres, and proteins cut down on carbs.
Helpful article:
12 Awesome ways to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle During Pregnancy
6. Give yourself a break:
Babes, you see stress, these six-letter words can cause a million and one wahala, and reducing your chances of getting pregnant is one.
Your body is bright; it knows that (periods of stress) aren’t good times to have a baby,” says Domar, a longtime infertility researcher who also is director of mind/body services at Boston IVF.
Having heard this, baby girls, give yourself a break from anything that could stress you, physically, Mentally, Emotionally.
7. Only use suitable lubricants:
Some lubricant reduces sperm motility, and if you are trying to get pregnant and there is a need for a lubricant, it is advisable to use all-natural products.
Examples are;
- Pre-Seed
- mineral oil
- canola oil
These products won’t interfere with your partner’s sperm.
8. See a doctor:
There are factors that, when you notice them, should drive you to a gynaecologist and obstetrics.
Age is one of those factors.
If you are 35 and you are not getting pregnant even after trying for at least 6 – 12 months, then you need to see a gynaecologist.
Another factor is family history.
If you have had a history in your family line where you have fertility issues, then see your gynaecologist and explain everything.
Trying to get pregnant and not getting the desired result can be very challenging.
Try to be patient.
That it is taking a while doesn’t mean you will not carry your baby.
Have fun, be adventurous about it and be hopeful.
And in 9 months, we will come to visit the boy and the girl.
Cheers baby 🥂
Always remember that motherhood is a journey made easy when we have the right people in our corner. 🧡
That said, click on this link to take you to the fantastic world of motherhood
Keep being #fabulous 💋
Rooting for you.
Viv 🧡