Stay At Home Mom Stress: How To Deal With It

Have you ever felt like you have been stretched beyond your limits? Do you remember the definition of elastic limit that they taught in Physics class? Yes, that’s the kind of limit I mean. Being a full-time mom isn’t a walk in the park. It can be soooo stressful and draining. Haa. It’s well. How can you deal with stay-at-home mom stress?
When you combine a screaming, clingy baby with a major life transition (mommyhood), as well as general home tasks, you tend to intense stress. Unfortunately, all the Jacki chan abilities you might have can’t help you escape this norm. So ignore all my exclamations; you can find relief as a stay-at-home mom. I’m here to help you.
How can you deal with stay-at-home mom stress?
How to deal with stay at home mom stress
Being a stay-at-home mom is a gift that one cannot describe. At the same time, it might put your patience and self-control to the test. That’s why you need to be deliberate about forming habits that will help you avoid burnout. You and your family will benefit from it.
So, how can you deal with it?
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Take care of yourself.
Before I go into all other things, we must first look at one crucial thing – taking care of ourselves. We often get so caught up with work that we forget our greatest assets – ourselves. If you don’t function, who will take care of the family? Huh?
First and foremost, you must look after yourself. Taking care of the entire family is stressful and draining, and it’s even more so when your batteries are down. Taking the time to exercise self-care may feel selfish at first, but keep in mind that you’re doing it for the sake of your family.
When your children tend to rule your life while you’re caring for them, being strategic with your time is essential. Once a month, hire a babysitter. Take some “you time” late at night or early in the morning before the kids are awake.
Proper self-care sometimes takes self-discipline and doing things that aren’t always pleasurable or what you want to do but that you know you should do. When it comes to our children, we moms must exercise self-discipline to do what is necessary, but it can take some practice to do so for ourselves.
Find a support system.
You want to be surrounded by as many positive people as possible. So join our tribe right now by clicking here if you don’t have a support system in place.
You’ll discover mom friends here who will listen to you and offer helpful advice as needed. Other moms are a great resource because they’ve been there and done that, so they understand what you’re going through. Tell your mother, a sibling, or another relative about the difficulties you’re having.
You might quickly become an overwhelmed mom on the verge of burnout if you don’t have a proper support structure in place. Why do you need a mom tribe? Click here to find out why.
Spend time with hubby
We name them “significant” others for a reason. As we go through the many stages of parenting together, their contribution is critical. So don’t put your relationship on the back burner, even though it’s straightforward to do.
Make time for your significant other, no matter how tired you are. On days when you’re feeling burnt out, a simple daily talk with your partner can give you the emotional lift you need.
Try to connect with your partner each day to impact your outlook for the future significantly.
Plan the right way
Keeping everything in your head causes a lot of stress for stay-at-home moms. But, on the other hand, allowing everything to stay in your thoughts, from doctor’s appointments to schedules to bills to what we need to get done around the house that day, will drive you insane (I’ve been there).
You’ll need a technique to put everything on paper in a logical order, and there are a few options for doing so.
You can conduct a general brain dump on a sheet of blank paper and then sort everything into a planner. I loved to spill my thoughts directly into my planner when I used a bullet journal.
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Talk to your family and friends about how we all need to be there for one other and strive to make each other’s lives as simple as possible.
Tell your kids how you’re feeling and what you’re looking for. Teach them to follow in your footsteps. Give your children words other than sad, mad, and glad to express their emotions.
You don’t have to overshare with your children in a way that makes them feel anxious. You can, however, be open and honest with them.
Don’t be hard on yourself.
Moms always have a constant inner critic. Unfortunately, this inner critic causes them to doubt everything, including their parenting abilities.
Constant criticism is unhealthy for anyone, and it makes you feel like a failure as a parent. So say it out loud to your inner critic: “Shut up!” You’re doing an outstanding job.
You’ll feel like you’re barely getting by as a stay-at-home mom on some days. But you’re a good mother, and you won’t be able to win every parenting battle. You don’t even have to strive to win every parenting argument.
Stay at home, using mom stress can be reduced. I know how tiring it can be, Maama, but always remember you’re a mom and more, so you’ve got this.
No one can do this motherhood thing better than you do. So pat yourself in the back; you’re unique.
Remember that motherhood is a journey made easy when we have the right people in our corner.
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Keep being #fabulous.
I am rooting for you.
Good and practical tips👌 Thanks for sharing.
Beautifully written. Thank you so much ma’am. I got value