How Do You Soothe A Teething Baby?

When babies begin to develop their first set of teeth, they experience a lot of discomforts. This discomfort makes them easily irritated, cry a lot, and frustrate you in the long run. However, teething is an unavoidable stage of every child’s growth, how can you soothe a teething baby?
This article provides every Maama out there with natural tips and remedies for soothing their teething babies, so they experience less discomfort. If you’re a first-time mom, click here to find out some important things to know before having your first baby.
You might have tried other means which didn’t work out for you. Do not worry, these tips have been tested and proven, let’s get straight into the matter.
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When do babies start teething?
Teething usually begins at the age of six months, though this can vary.
The lower central incisors (the bottom two front teeth) are usually the first to appear. The two top front teeth are next (upper central incisors).
How do babies feel when teething?
How can you tell your baby’s first set of teeth is growing? What manner of actions will they display in their teething process?
Teething Symptoms and severity vary – depending on the child; your baby may cut teeth with no complaints at all, or teething may cause your baby a lot of pain and tears.
Teething symptoms are usually modest and infrequent in most babies. Teething pain can linger for up to 8 days, but if numerous teeth erupt at the same time, the pain can last even longer.
If your child is teething, you may observe the following:
The three major symptoms include:
- Irritability and unpredictability in their behavior
- Drooling excessively
- Gum biting, rubbing or sucking
Irritability and unpredictability in their behavior
The pain of teeth erupting through the gums causes this. The primary teeth and molars are frequently the most painful.
Cuddle, cuddle, cuddle to alleviate your baby’s irritation. When a baby is teething, he or she can benefit from some quality cuddle time. By offering sensations of being loved and reassured, the extra time spent with your infant might help ease their pain.
Teething can cause drooling, and many babies drool excessively.
Drooling can produce a rash around the mouth, cheeks, chin, and neck area because of the excess bacteria on the skin from the saliva.
Wipe the area clean and dry on a regular basis to keep it as clean as possible. Applying a simple barrier cream to dry, chapped, and painful skin will assist.
Gum biting, rubbing or sucking
Biting on almost anything creates a counter-pressure that relieves the pressure under the gums.
How to prevent your baby from biting and gnawing: Anything cold is fantastic! Teething rings, chew beads, and other commercially available teething toys can all be beneficial, especially when cooled or frozen.
Other symptoms include:
- Gums that are swollen and red
- Cheeks suffused with red
- On the face, there is a rash (resulting from excessive drooling)
- Blisters on gums
Please Note: Remember that diarrhea can indicate a more serious infection, so contact your child’s pediatrician if the stool gets watery, since your child may be dehydrated. It’s especially vital to see your child’s pediatrician if the diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting or a high fever.
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How long does a baby’s teething pain last?
It’s impossible to predict how long a tooth will take to break through the gum. Some babies are uneasy and unhappy for only a few days before a tooth appears, while others may have a longer period of discomfort. All twenty baby teeth will have come through by the time your child is three years old.
Teething can be an unpleasant and frightening experience for your baby, and new teeth may explain why he or she is unhappy and ill. Parents recognize that teething can be challenging, but they also want to know how long this stage will persist and what solutions are available to help alleviate some of the pain and suffering.
How to soothe a teething baby naturally
Did you know there are natural ways to soothe a teething baby?
Read on for natural ways to get your baby’s smile back if you’re looking for safe ways to comfort his or her sore mouth. Dentists may not endorse all of these techniques, and some researchers claim they don’t work, but parents who have been through it all have lots of tips that could help your child feel better.
Use ice
Teething discomfort can be relieved with a cold, which is a very common and simple cure. You can put a variety of safe items in the freezer for your baby to chew on. Just keep in mind that whatever you offer your baby to chew on must not be a choking hazard, and you should only give your baby something when you can keep an eye on what’s going on.
For many parents, a frozen washcloth is a favorite. Freeze one of the millions of soft baby washcloths you probably received as a shower gift for 20 to 30 minutes. Touch it to your baby’s gums when it’s cold and stiff, or even let your infant hold it while chewing on it.
Breastfeed your baby
If you’re breast-feeding, breastfeeding is a great way to provide comfort to your baby, and teething is no exception.
Some babies thrive on sucking but don’t feel obligated to continue nursing if it isn’t working. If pain persists, move on to another treatment option.
Massage your baby’s gums
Tension can build up along the jaw as your baby’s teeth erupt, causing pain to spread from their mouth to their ears. Teething can cause a lot of pain and irritation, so giving your infant a gentle facial massage will assist.
Begin by stroking your baby’s chin or above the top lip with the pads of your fingertips. Slowly bring your hands to their cheeks and begin circling them with your fingertips. To relieve stress, raise your fingers and softly draw the pads of your thumbs across your baby’s brows.
This is an amazing teething cure that relieves teething symptoms, relaxes your baby, and provides an opportunity for bonding.
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When handled right, you can help your baby overcome the pains of teething. Most children usually begin teething somewhere around 6 months. If you notice your baby crying a lot, getting easily irritated, or lacking sleep, it is right for you to check if they’re teething and apply some of the natural tips listed above.
If you have further questions, remember that motherhood is a journey made easy when we have the right people in our corner.
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