What Type of Mom are you? [The Different Types of Mom (Part 2)]

So, what type of mom are you?
Welcome to the concluding part of The Different Types of Moms.
I sincerely hope that we can find ourselves in this part.
But even if we aren’t here yet, the good news is that it is not late to get on this side of the divide. Once we’re determined to be the better version of ourselves, it then becomes easier to work our well there.
If you haven’t done so, please read the first part of this same topic here (link to the first part)
Are you ready? Here we go.
What are the different types of moms?
10: The Mature Mom:
This mom grows, evolves and matures with age and experience. She loves her children and the love is so strong that she makes big sacrifices just to make life easy for her children.
Once she makes a promise she is willing to keep it just for the benefit of her children.
An example of this kind of mother is Hannah in the bible.
Imagine how hard it must have been for her to leave her only child in the temple.
But she knew that it was going to be for the benefit of her son, Samuel.
That’s because she knew he had a divine purpose and if she loved him, the best she could do was to allow him to achieve his purpose on earth.
A mature mother corrects her children, she’s determined to enable her children to fulfil their purpose on earth.
She teaches and guards them in the right direction.
In addition, she brings good and not harm to the children and her household.
She also knows that sometimes she would need to make tough and hard decisions even when they hurt.

11. The Gentle Mom:
This type of Mom is an epitome of gentleness, which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Her gentility is a result of her faith and belief in Jesus Christ.
She might not have grown up learning this from her parents, it might not be her character.
But it could come as a result of her understanding her new life and new creation of Christ in her.
She tenderly attends and raises her children.
She displays divine principles and raises, takes care, nurtures, teaches, and builds up her children with gentility and kindness.
Gentleness is an important part of the virtuous woman who has been through the process of transformation and spiritual growth.
She doesn’t let her emotions control her, but she gives it up for the Holy Spirit to take over.
12. The Resilient Mom:
This type of mom approves life and issues with positivity and energy.
Her inner strength is drawn from her relationship with the Holy Spirit.
She is so strong in the spirit and her strength doesn’t come from her strong personality.
Also, She transfers her positivity to her children.
She looks at life issues with the eye of the bible and nothing weighs her down.
She’s constantly looking up to God the author and finisher of Her faith.
13. The Teacher Mom:
Every mom falls into this category but not all moms practice this.
In the Bible, Solomon wrote about not forsaking the teaching of a mother.
His mother, despite her past, taught him well.
Your past is not important.
What is important is your present and your future.
Teaching faith to your children starts from early childhood.
It is important that Faith is transmitted from the mother to her offsprings. Proverbs 31:26
14. The Early Riser Mom:
As the name implies, this mom knows that by waking up early, she’s setting herself up for a successful and less stressful day.
She does not waste her time lying in bed but is up early in the morning.
She plans her day in advance and spends time in the presence of God before she sets out to conquer her day.
She’s very organized and handles issues as they arise.
She is also in the habit of going to bed early because early to bed, early to rise.
15. The above combination mom:
This mom draws from all the strengths of the above moms and finds the inner strength to be the best version of herself.
Her family and children are an important aspect of her purpose and assignment on earth. She doesn’t joke with the assignment God has given her.
She strives to be the poster mom for the Proverbs 31 woman.
Even when she falls or fails, she knows it’s not the end of the world.
She picks herself] up and continues on her journey.
Here you go, Mamma! 🙌🏾
What do you think?
Did you see yourself in any of these mothers?
Which one?
Care to share in the comment section?
Do you have an addition to the above? Let’s hear it in the comment section.
The Virtuous Woman Bible Plan by Gerardo Cardenas
Keep being #fabulous 💋
Love & Light,