10 Ways To Make Reading Fun For Your Child

Children must learn to read while they’re young. When children learn the habit of reading at an early age, it’s challenging to outgrow the practice when they get older. I understand that most children don’t want to read. They want to play most of the time, and I’ll share ten ways to make reading fun for your child in this article.
Why is it important for children to read?
We can be transported from one planet to another by reading.
We can immerse ourselves in the lives of fictional characters and learn about a culture that is quite different from our own by turning the pages of a book.
We can also pick up new words and phrases, feel various emotions, and gain new skills and information.
Reading has a wide range of consequences on child development due to its learning potential, as evidenced by several studies.
As a result, teachers and parents are uniquely positioned to guarantee that reading is an essential part of children’s everyday lives.
Here are some reasons why children need to embrace the habit of reading
It assists them in cognitive development
In terms of intelligence, reasoning, language development, and information processing, cognitive development refers to how we see and think about our reality.
Reading to children gives them a deeper awareness of their surroundings and provides them with background information.
They then use this background information to make sense of what they see, hear, and read, which helps them develop their cognitive abilities.
It helps us develop empathy
When we read a book, we immerse ourselves in the narrative. As we learn about other characters’ lives and can relate to their feelings, we can build empathy.
Children can then apply their knowledge to empathise with others in the actual world. Furthermore, children will develop a better grasp of emotions, which will aid them in comprehending their own and others’ feelings.
This has a significant impact on their social development.
It helps children become more aware of places
A book can transport us to another city, a different country, or perhaps another world. Children can learn about people, places, and events that they would not have known otherwise by reading a book.
This allows children to gain a better awareness of the world around them and cultures other than their own.
Builds a stronger relationship
If a parent reads with their child daily, their relationship will improve.
Reading allows parents to have a regular and shared activity that both the parent and the child may look forward to.
It also gives youngsters emotions of attention, love, and reassurance, which are essential for nurturing and well-being.
It expands their vocabulary
They may come across words they have never heard before while reading, causing them to look up what they mean. As a result, they incorporate it into their lexicon.
It enhances their imagination
As a child read, they can begin to envision where the characters are located. They might even come up with their tiny planet.
Reading helps students to develop their imagination by requiring them to imagine what the character looks like and who they are.
It entertains them
It provides children something to do, especially after they can read chapter books without illustrations, which forces them to use their imagination and, as a result, truly get into the book.
Improves their grammar
They may see how the author constructed their sentence structure and grammar through reading. This can also help them develop their communication skills because they can use clues like punctuation to decide how it should be read.
It improves their writing abilities
Reading enhances their vocabulary, communication, and grammatical skills, and as a result, their writing skills improve as well.
Reading is necessary for almost every aspect of life, from cooking to driving to simply going through school.
It is critical to begin teaching your child the value of reading at an early age to grow to cherish their ability to read and practice it frequently.
Read Also: 10 Ways to Teach Your Child How to Read
How to make reading fun for your child
Nobody wants to do boring activities. Do you, Maama? I’m sure not. Children love to have fun, so one of the ways you can encourage your child to read is to make it fun for them. Here are some ways you can make reading fun for your child.
Provide access to a variety of books
When kids realise that books aren’t just for reading at bedtime but also for learning and exploring the world, they’ll embark on a quest to find their deepest passions.
Place books from various genres at eye level on the family bookshelves for younger readers, so they have easy access and can see at a glance the variety of themes they can read about.
Older readers drawn to visual media may be astonished to realise that the worlds they see on TV may also be found in books, whether gaming guides or novels based on movies.
These multimedia book extensions provide an alternative method of bringing your children to the page.
Allow them to pick their books
More than 90% of children appreciate the books they select for themselves. Begin by asking your child about their current interests and pointing them in the direction of books that cover these topics.
If they aren’t connecting with novels but are interested in history or science, nonfiction or biographies can be an excellent place to start.
Because children are more likely to continue reading a series if they enjoyed the first book, your child will learn about a wide range of topics inside the same “world” they’ve embraced – ones they might not have chosen to read about otherwise.
Read aloud to them
One constant element in my work with my children to help them become super readers is the power and enjoyment of reading aloud.
It’s a simple yet profound act that brings families closer together and encourages thoughtful learning in children.
Make reading aloud to your children a daily experience, and employ best practices to keep them engaged.
Look at the book’s cover before you read it and make predictions about what it will be about. Stop and ask your child questions about the text as you read, and make sure you’re “reading” the illustrations.
Take your time to read through them, respect them, and appreciate them. To bring the book to life, read with zeal and expression, using goofy voices, faces, and gestures.
Don’t be shy! The more dramatic, the better.
Incorporate art
One option to connect reading and writing with creative expression via art is to set up an art station during read-aloud time.
Bring out the crayons, coloured pencils, construction paper, and other art supplies, and let your child create her cover for a favourite book.
Alternatively, you might further the art of picture books by obtaining materials identical to those used by the author.
Use technology
Find stories can come from various places, including poems, oral tales, and wordless books, in addition to the typical read-aloud. When it comes to reading, think outside the box and watch your child’s face light up with delight.
Ways to make reading fun for reluctant readers
I know that some children struggle to read; what can you do if your child is in that category? Let’s find out!
Read Also: Good Reading Habits: How To Encourage Your Child
Make jokes
Jokes are an excellent technique to engage children in reading or conversation.
They feel more at ease and relaxed when humor is present, and while jokes and puns may not be considered high-brow literature, they can aid in the development of language and communication skills in children.
Jokes have their own language, norms, and conventions that contribute to their amusement. They also include small stories, which are ideal for practicing the skills required to read for meaning.
Embrace challenges
When assisting a struggling reader, it’s tempting to ‘dumb things down,’ such as by selecting easier books or skipping over tough words, but youngsters, on the whole, like a challenge and reaping the rewards when they succeed.
Have fun
Reading with your child can be a chore at times, especially if they struggle with it. However, children can sense when you’re bored or distracted, and they’ll lose interest themselves, so try to be totally present and enjoy yourself when you’re sharing stories.
Establish connections
Establish connections between what you’re reading and what you’re doing. Can you identify with any of the characters or the plot?
A text-to-self connection is when you connect with yourself; a text-to-text connection is when you connect with another narrative you’ve read, and a text-to-world connection is when you connect with something you’ve seen on the news or an experience someone you know has had.
When assisting struggling readers, it’s important to encourage them to make as many connections as possible.
The more connections kids make, the easier it will be for them to recall and understand the story.
You can make any child fall in love with reading, you just have to start EARLY.
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