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How to Make Stunning Designs and Get Paid as a Graphics Designer

female graphics designer

Did you know that you can get paid working from home as a graphics designer?

Oh yes!!

Being a Stay At Home Mom does not limit you from making money from home.

The fact is that the need for graphic designers has been on the rise.

If you have no idea what graphic designers do, just look at billboards, ads, campaign flyers, well, any kind of flyers.

Movie covers, book covers, song covers, and podcast pictures are examples of graphic designs.

To be successful in this business, you need to be creative.

Being creative is far from just knowing how to draw or illustrate or doing your designs.

It means that you need to have a good sense of colours and what colours blend.

And even if they don’t blend, creativeness entails knowing how to contrast two colours.

You should take everything into consideration – the lighting, contrast, colour, font, etc.

How Can I Be A Graphic Designer?

I was surprised when I learned that you could go to school to be a graphic designer.

If you want to go to school to become a graphics designer, you are free to do that.

However, there are many courses you can learn online in just 3-6 months.

Graphics designing is one of such courses.

At this point, one can even learn to be a doctor from youtube or maybe start going to uni to know how to be a social media influencer. Lol.

What? Don’t you believe me? Stranger things have happened, haven’t they? Haha.

Many e-learning sites like lt offer graphic design and are even authorized to give you certificates.

Of course, you can go to youtube.

However, I don’t recommend that if you’re still a beginner.

That is because I have noticed that except it is a course on youtube, you might only learn what the YouTuber is doing in the video and not be able to do much after that.

Yes, youtube is cheaper, and if you just want to know how to use a tool or you’re confused about a technique, you can use youtube.

This is exciting:
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stay at home mom graphics designer

Can I Use My Phone to Design Graphics?

Yes, yes and yes.

You can use your phone.

However, just like in video editing, a laptop is better because graphic editing software usually has more tools displayed on the screen than on a phone screen.

This doesn’t mean you can make stunning graphics on your phone.

For example, my sister is a graphics designer, and she uses her laptop to design.

I have a friend who is also a graphics designer, and he uses only his phone.

Because of fluctuating power supply in Nigeria and the size of the laptop, my sister couldn’t always meet up to schedule, or she had to go to a café to use her laptop.

I asked my friend to tell me the apps he uses for designing, and then I told my sister.

Whenever she has an uncompleted design on her laptop, she transfers the unfinished design to her phone and uses it to complete it.

So what does this mean?

It means that you can use your phone to design.

What Skills Do I Need As A Graphics Designer?

Some skills will come in handy as a graphics designer.

Some of them are:

1. Colour Coordination:

You need to know how to mix, blend, and contrast colours.

You need to know what colours would fit an event or a brand.

Also, you will most likely design a lot for brands; you will need to work with colours to captivate customers’ attention.

You also need to know what colours contrast sufficiently to make unique designs.

As you go on, you may even start dabbling into making logos.

And guess what? You need colours to make beautiful logos.

2. Photoshop/ Photo Editing Skills:

Knowing how to edit pictures is very important, especially if you’re making designs for a billboard, campaign flyer, etc.

You can learn how to edit photos using photoshop, lighthouse or any photo editor of your choice.

3. Illustration:

You need to know how to illustrate.

For example, you can sketch a drawing and snap it with your phone.

Then you use any illustrating tool like Adobe Illustrator to bring that sketch to life.

This skill is used primarily for logos.

Read this next:
How to Make Money by Editing Videos

What Apps Can I Use for Graphics Design?

There are lots of software one can use for graphics designing.

The most common are Photoshop, Adobe Illustration and Corel Draw.

There are a lot of graphic design apps out there.

All you need to do is find the ones that will fit your phone.

You also need to use apps that can zoom in and out without getting pixeled.

Some of these apps include:

  • Canva
  • Photo Grid
  • Logopit
  • PS touch
  • PixelLab

1. PixelLab:

This is an excellent alternative to Photoshop and other editing apps.

Its interface is so easy to understand, and you can customize the tools on the app too.

It’s handy if the user wants to enhance a picture or graphic with stickers, 3D texts and shapes.

PixelLab is free.

2. Logopit:

A significant side of graphics design is logo making.

Logopit is for making all kinds of logos.

It has different shapes that you can either use or tweak to your taste.

There are also a lot of free templates that suits whatever category your business falls under.

It is not just for making logos though; You can also make covers, banner designs, etc.

It works very well with Android smartphones.

3. Canva:

Canva is one of the most popular graphic design apps.

The good thing is that there isn’t much of a difference between the Canva App on a phone and the PC software, unlike so many apps.

You can use it on both Android and iPhones.

4. Photo Grid:

I know you know about Photo Grid.

One can use this app to make collages and edit photos.

Making collages and editing photos are significant parts of graphics design.

It is compatible with both Android and iOS.

5. PS Touch:

This is the android version of Adobe Photoshop.

It gives you plenty of space to create unique designs.

Whatever it is the PC version can do, PS Touch can do it too.

How Can I Get Money As A Graphics Designer?

Just like for video editors, the need for graphic designers is on the rise.

This means more opportunities, and unfortunately, it also means fierce competition.

Don’t be deterred, though.

You can still make some cool cash off it.

The three most common ways are:

1. Freelance Sites:

There are a lot of freelance sites out there.

Get on any one of your choices to get connected with people who need your services.

Some freelance sites are Fiverr and Upwork.

2. Social Media Marketing:

Social Media is everything right now.

Get on any social media of your choice and start pushing your skills.

Post often as possible.

Post graphic design-related write-ups or memes.

3. Blogs and Websites:

Blogs and websites are also essential.

You can write blog posts on things related to graphics design.

This way, you won’t just be seen as just a graphic designer but also an expert in the field.


As lucrative as graphics designing is, you need to be creative and stand out to appeal to customers.

If you’re a good graphics designer, believe me when I say that it could even become a full-time business.

So, are you ready to get these graphic design apps and start making some cool cash?

Leave comments below and tell me what you want to do!


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