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5 Ways to Overcome Boredom as a Stay At Home Mom

how to overcome boredom as a Stay at home mom SAHM

When you are a Stay At Home Mom, it’s very easy to become bored especially when you are home alone. So, how do you overcome this? How do you get over the feeling of boredom? 🤷🏾‍♀️

Let’s talk about boredom today and I believe you will grab a tip or two to win this battle.

Just like you, I also get bored when I am home alone. African Magic and Zee World don’t do any justice to the feeling.

Mostly, this boredom comes from doing the same thing repeatedly.

Oftentimes, it’s because I am home alone while my kids are in school and my hubby is at work.😥

So, how do I overcome this feeling of boredom? 

I will be sharing a few tips with you from my experience and a few more from other SAHMs. 

Let’s go!!

how to overcome boredom as a Stay at home mom SAHM

How to overcome boredom as a Stay At Home Mom – SAHM?

There is a saying that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Believe me, when you’re idle, that’s when you begin to over process and overthink things. 

Sometimes you get to the point where you begin to imagine things and before you know it, you’ve become paranoid over non-existent issues.

This is one good reason why you must look for ways to overcome boredom as a SAHM. 

1. Be friends with your kids:

Baby girl, even if you don’t take any other point off this article, please don’t ignore this one.

It’s very vital because our babies are always with us at home.

So, when hubby is not at home, they are the only ones that we can play with.

When you constantly keep them at arm’s length, who will keep you company?🤷🏾‍♀️

Imagine your kids hiding themselves in their room just because Mommy will do this or do that.

That shouldn’t be the case.

Let the little children come unto you and forbid them not.😁

This does not mean you should not correct them when they are wrong.

Definitely, you have to put them in their place when they do wrong.

But when you do so, do it with love, learn to control the anger and deal with the issue at hand.

Don’t pile up the offence and dish out punishment at once.

Kids mostly mess up when they are idle, especially during the holiday.

Learn how keep you kids engaged during the holiday so that they become productive and less messy.

2. Try to get out of the house more often:

This one is the direct opposite of who we are.


Who are we? Stay At Home Moms!! (I’m feeling like a Spartan soldier now.😅)

Okay, back from our military camp…

Sis, you need to go out more often. Take a walk around your neighbourhood, drive to the nearest shopping mall, do some gardening, register in a gym etc.

You’ve been staying indoors for a long time, you can even walk inside your houses with a blindfold on. 😉

Take a break and see new opportunities outside.

3. Learn Something:

You wanna kill boredom with a smackdown? Like John Cena? 💪🏾

Learn something new.

Imagine using the time you would normally use to develop depressing thoughts to learn something new.

You will find yourself doing exploits 👌🏾

You can learn how to sew or knit or even take up online classes to master a digital skill.

After all, there are some digital skills like writing or video editing which you can use to earn an extra income for yourself. 

So, you may want to consider this option to cure boredom.

4. Read a book:

Book reading has always been one perfect strategy for breaking out of boredom.

Students use this method, office workers also do the same thing.

Reading a book can help you relax as you flip through and immerse yourself in the story.

5. Be social both online and offline: 

Mamma, hmmm… problem no dey finish ooo.😜

Don’t stay at home and carry the weight of the world on your chest.

Be social.

Leave your room and walk around your neighbourhood. 

Make friends with your neighbours and help them when you can.

If you want more, you can catch cruise on social media. Just don’t get carried away. Remember that people only show their good sides on SM.

Watch funny videos and leave a comment.

I love to watch Taaooma on Instagram since she depicts a typical Nigerian home.

On YouTube, it’s Samspedy for me.

He also depicts a typical Nigerian home.

These two are very hilarious.


Now it’s your turn to tell me what you think…

Which of these strategies are you going to apply immediately? 

Will you start encouraging a healthy relationship with your kids?

Or do you prefer to socialize online?

Let me know in the comment session below.

Motherhood is a journey made easy when we have the right people in our corner. 🧡

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Keep being #fabulous 💋

Love & Light 

Viv 🧡

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Obuwe Adejumoke

Superb, you are doing a gr8 job but I must confess, av never bn hired because I do all you’ve written and also very busy with Church activities.


Thanks Soo much, this bless me, I will love to start with 1,2 and 5 immediately.

Chioma Umeh

Thanks for the tips ma’am. I will learn an online skill that I can earn from


Thank you ma’am for this piece. Well in my own case I am still nursing an infant so can’t even do most of these things you mentioned apart from social media and reading some times. Then again my first child is not up to two years of age so hasn’t started school yet. He will be starting by September anyway. So you can see I have a handful. I fe like I have twins. Lol. It’s really not easy but I am most grateful to God for his gifts. I love the idea of making my kids my friends so I am very intentional about that. Thank you for that reminder again.
I am in interested in blog writing. Please can I get a tip or two from you? Thank you!

Igwe Mary Uzoamaka

Thank you ma for this wonderful piece, actually am not a full time stay at home mum, I have a Salon though I don’t usually go there always coz am almost due, but sometimes I do go there, thereby killing boredom a little. I also have a daughter of 3yrs. When she’s back from school, she doesn’t give me a breathing space. But whenever am not sure around her, I missed her alot. But since yesterday I have been trying not to shout on her as usual. She will be wondering like what’s wrong with mum.


Thanks so much Mama V, I am never bored because the children alone are enough to keep me busy coupled with house chores.
My only problem is what to do (side hustle) to make my own money. That is the aspect that makes me think alot.

Will appreciate any simple idea.
Thanks and keep up the good work