7 Very Important Things To Know About Period

Do you believe you know everything there is to know about your period? Women get roughly 450 periods in their lifetime, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to learn everything there is to know about it.
Even so, your period can still catch you off guard – and not only by appearing when you least expect it.
Read this enlightening article to know more about period and how to go about it seamlessly.
What Exactly Is Menstruation?
Menstruation, often known as having your period, is the passage of blood and tissue from your uterus through your vagina. It happens once a month on average.
What Exactly Is The Menstrual Cycle?
Every month, your menstrual cycle assists your body in preparing for pregnancy. It also causes menstruation if you are not pregnant. Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone regulate your menstrual cycle and period.

1. How Do I Inform My Parents That I Have My First Period?
It’s natural to be hesitant to share this piece of news. Talking about physical issues may seem unimportant in some families. They might take you out to supper to celebrate your period if you have this kind of family!
Other families may be more private, making it difficult to know what to say or whom to inform.
However, this information must be communicated with at least one adult in the household. You might simply take the person aside and explain it clearly, such as this: “Today was my first period. Do you believe you might assist me in obtaining some supplies?”
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If your brothers and sisters find out, they may tease you. Simply explain that it indicates you’re getting older.
2. What Is The Function Of A Tampon?
Unlike pads, which gather blood after it leaves the vagina, a tampon is inserted into the vagina. It’s constructed of a soft cloth and has a thread to help with removal. The vaginal aperture is located between the urethra (where pee exits) and the anus (where poop comes out).
It may take some practice to get used to using tampons. Tampon applicators can be made of plastic or cardboard, and you can choose whichever you like. Each box has an instruction leaflet that explains how to insert a tampon.
Tampons are available in a variety of absorbencies. Start with regular, and then swap if necessary. Tampons should be changed every 4 to 8 hours or when they get clogged with blood.
If a tampon ever seems “stuck,” it’s only for a short time. It can’t get lost inside you because there’s only one way out of the vagina. Relax for a few minutes, and then you should be able to remove the tampon.
3. Can I Swim While On My Period?
Swimming throughout your period is not an issue. When swimming, though, you should use a tampon to avoid bleeding on your swimsuit. Pads will not work and will simply fill with water. If the tampon is properly put, it will not fall out, so go ahead and make a splash!
Tampons might also be useful for girls who exercise or participate in sports during their periods. Pads are functional, although they can be uncomfortable during sports.
4. What If I Don’t Have Any Pads Or Tampons On Hand?
If this occurs, you have the following options: Borrow from a friend, purchase some from a supermarket nearby, see the school nurse if you are at school, or phone home so your mother or father can bring you what you require. If you’re desperate to avoid staining your clothes, crumple up some tissues or toilet paper and stuff them into your pants. Although, that won’t last long, so acquire some pads or tampons as soon as possible.
If you’re worried about telling the school nurse, a teacher, or another adult what you need, write it down or use code words. You may mention things like “it’s that time of the month” or “personal supplies.” Even better, keep extras in your workout bag, locker, or backpack.
5. What If Blood Gets Into My Pants?
Oh, no! What should you do if you find blood on the back of your trousers? It happens to almost every girl at some point in her life.
It can happen when you’re not at home, so you can’t change it immediately away. If you’re wearing a jumper or jacket, though, you can remove it and wrap it around your waist. Then change your tampon or pad so it doesn’t bleed any farther through your pants.
Change as soon as possible. You should immediately rinse your jeans and pants in cold water. The stain comes out occasionally and not always. To avoid this issue, replace your pads and tampons on a regular basis and have spares in your backpack or locker.
Some girls use a tampon with a pad or absorbent period pants for extra protection on heavy days. You should also wear dark slacks and pants throughout your menstruation.
6. You Can Become Pregnant While On Your Period.
It’s time to debunk the age-old fallacy that your period protects you from pregnancy. There are several causes for this. First, some women may confuse their menstruation for ovulation, when their ovaries release an egg each month. When you ovulate, you are at your most fertile. So having sex during this time may actually increase your chances of becoming pregnant.
Second, you may ovulate before the end of your period or within a few days after the bleeding has stopped. Because sperm can remain in your body for up to three days, having sex during your period may result in conception.
Also read: 6 Pregnancy Essentials For Every Pregnant Woman
No matter what time of the month it is, use a condom or other type of birth control to avoid an unplanned pregnancy.
7. Your Menstrual Cycle Fluctuates Throughout Your Life.
Everything can change just as you begin to believe you can predict when your period will arrive. You can thank the hormone fluctuations that occur throughout your life for this.
When you get your first period, your cycles may become longer, which means that more time may pass between the start of one period and the start of the next. A typical teenage girl’s cycle may last 21 to 45 days. They become shorter and more consistent over time, averaging from 21 to 35 days.
Hormone changes that occur during perimenopause (the years preceding menopause when your body begins to produce less oestrogen) can throw you for a loop. The interval between periods may become shorter or longer, and you may experience stronger or lighter bleeding. This stage can last up to ten years until you enter menopause and no longer get your period.
Gradual changes in one’s life are natural, but sudden, odd difficulties such as severe bleeding or missed periods are not. If you see anything unusual, consult your doctor.