7 habits of Happy Stay At Home Moms

What do you do to remain happy as a SAHM? Well, while you think about your answers, continue reading to find out the 7 habits that differentiate happy Stay At Home Moms from others.
Just before we get to that, what were you thinking when you chose to become a SAHM?
I guess you were probably fantasizing about how you can wake up at any time of the day and go back to bed again.
Or probably how you’d stay in your room all day in your PJs while binge watching your favorite shows.
If your Stay At Home Mom journey started very early, then you may enjoy these fantasies for a while.
After your first baby arrives, things begin to change.
Then a second baby and a third one.
And if you are like me, then that would be 5 kids in total.
At this point, all your dreams and fantasies will be ruined.
Now you have more bosses in your life than you imagined.
The truth is that being a Stay At Home Mom is a wonderful opportunity and gift that very few mothers enjoy.
However, that doesn’t mean it’s always easy.
In fact, I am surprised at how difficult it can actually be.
Taking care of a baby 24/7 with very little breaks in between can be exhausting.
If you don’t make time and effort to still be a normal human being you can get overwhelmed and become very unhappy.
So, what’s the way out?
What are the things that a mother must do to remain happy or sane as a Stay At Home Mom?
What are the habits of happy Stay At Home Moms?
If you’re struggling with being a happy Stay At Home Mom, then here are some things that you can do to reverse that feeling.
These 7 habits of happy Stay At Home Moms will turn things around for you.
You will not only be happier taking care of your children, but you’ll be happier for yourself too.
Practice these habits daily to get the most of being a happy SAHM.

1. Always Eat Good Food:
You may be wondering… what has eating good food got to do with being a happy Stay At Home Mom?
Well, let me tell you something, the reason is that eating good food helps to tackle one of the major causes of unhappiness in SAHMs. By good food, I don’t mean a lot of food, rather I mean healthy food.
Eating good food helps to maintain your body shape and avoid being overweight.
You will be happy with yourself when you maintain that hourglass shape and feel super light. Being in shape makes you feel good about yourself and automatically lifts your spirit up.
2. Plan your days:
Planning is a very important activity in every area of our life including our happiness.
In fact, is one of the best ways to boost your productivity as a SAHM.
Always plan your days ahead and maintain a to-do list.
You will feel good when you come back to check those things that you have accomplished.
The feeling is like that of a child that just got her test scores with excellent grades.
Also, planning helps you to keep track of things you have done and those that you are yet to do.
So, at no point will you forget an important activity or event that will make you unhappy.
3. Always wake up before the kids:
But why na?
The plan was to stay in bed all day and walk around the house in PJs.
Why wake up so early? 😒
Don’t be infuriated because of this.
Waking up before your kids comes with its own benefits.
If you wake up before them, you’d have enough time to shower, get ready and have your morning cup of coffee or tea.
By the time the kiddos wake up you’ll feel refreshed and ready for your day.
No more will you feel half awake while you prepare the kids for school.
4. Play with your kids when you can:
Generally, we all know that children are fun to be with.
So, why not maintain that habit of playing with them to remain happy as A Stay At Home Mom?
There are lots of fun games to play with your kids.
In fact, you can even have fun while helping them with their assignments.
Playing with your kids is also a good way to overcome boredom as a Stay At Home Mom.
5. Be quick to forgive yourself:
We all mess up Mamma.
So, don’t be hard on yourself.
Have you made a mistake recently or some time ago?
Give yourself a break and drop the Mamma guilt.
In fact, I messed up one time and watched my little man stay a little longer with a cold.
You can read the full story on my Instagram page.
I blamed myself all through the weekend for making that mistake.
But when I forgave myself, I felt happy again.
Come to think of it, how do you manage Mamma guilt?
We’ll have that discussion some other time.
For now, practice the habit of forgiving yourself so that you will be happy as a Stay At Home Mom.
6. Make friends with super moms like you:
The emphasis is on making friends with Super Moms. 👌
It’s very easy for Stay At Home Moms to become gossips
After all, you are always at home with plenty of time to get all the latest gossip.😂
But you don’t want to keep that type of unhealthy relationship.
Make friends with moms who despite being Stay At Home Moms like yourself, also have doing amazing stuff going on in their lives. And are busing securing the bag.
For instance, you could make friends with a SAHM who knows how to make money from home.
Talking about making money from home, you might want to grab a copy of my ebook “The Business Side of The Stay At Home Mum.”
It’s an eye-opening read and you get to see practical ways by which you bring more money home as a SAHM.
Besides finances, it’s okay to keep friends that you can share your SAHM journey together with.
You can join the Amumandmore Tribe on Facebook to interact with other SAHMs like you.
You will be amazed at how good you will feel all the time.
7. Have a separate time for yourself:
I have seen that you have time for everyone else except yourself.
It’s time to change.
When planning your day, always allocate a “me time” for yourself.
You can use this time for anything that makes you happy.
So you can either press phone, do online shopping or even catch cruise on social media.
The time is all yours.
Enjoy it.😉
In this time when there are a lot of activities that can cause depression for Stay At Home Moms, it is wise that you practice habits that will make you happy.
These 7 habits of happy Stay At Home Moms will help you get to that realm of constant happiness.
Practice it daily and enjoy the results that follow.
Always remember that motherhood is a journey made easy when we have the right people in our corner. 🧡
Click on this link to take you to the amazing world of motherhood http://bit.ly/AMumandMoreFBFamily
Keep being #fabulous 💋
Love & Light,
Viv 🧡
This is soul lifting. Thanks for this and I’ll definitely put it into practice.
Stay blessed ma’am.
Thank you very much, Elizabeth, for reading through.
I am glad that you read this article until the end and I can’t wait to hear your testimony.
Stay blessed too.
Waoooo!! I am highly inspired
Loving this group like kilode
Please keep up the good work
Am quite lifted
I will key into this
Thanks so much, mamma. I’m glad you are enjoying the tribe. We have so much in stock. 🧡
Thank you very much man this is very inspiring I will try to practice this. I have really learn alot
Wow!! I’m glad to hear that. I hope to hear your testimony very soon.
Awesome piece! Thank you Momma.
You’re welcome, Mamma.
Thanks for the piece ma’am 😘
You’re welcome, Mamma.🥰😘