Reasons Why Your Baby Is So Fidgety

The first four to six months of my son’s life were marked by his extreme restlessness. When I questioned other mothers who recently gave birth whether they had experienced the same thing, the majority of them said that they had not.
Although I have three children of my own and have been around many other children, I have never seen any other youngster who is even close to being as fidgety as my son is. Because he was so restless, I was concerned that something might be amiss.
He looked to be constantly moving and jerking around, and it was extremely uncommon for me to see him lying still. He never stopped moving his head from side to side and kicking his legs, regardless of whether he was awake or asleep.
Because he would wake up around once every half an hour to an hour and a half, I was concerned that he wasn’t getting enough rest.
There didn’t appear to be anything wrong with my son, at least not that I could tell. His physical health was excellent, he reached every one of his growth milestones, and he did not cry an excessive amount. It appeared as though he had a lot of energy, and he was constantly looking to get up and move around.
When he was fairly young and we were sleeping together, this was a pretty difficult situation to deal with. For the two of us to have any chance of falling asleep, I had to resort to moving a bassinet next to the bed and placing the baby inside it.
Because it kept happening, I decided to look up the possible causes of a baby’s fidgetiness on Google.
To put together exactly what it meant to be fidgety and why it might be happening, I had to read papers that were published in quite a few different places and search through mothering and parenting communities.
I will let you know what I’ve discovered, and I hope that it will set your mind at ease.
What are some of the warning indications that your infant is a fidgeter?
There are a variety of acts and behaviours that may be attributed to babies that can be classified as “fidgety.” Many of these are quite normal and there is no need for alarm.
There are probably some things that should be addressed before they become sources of discomfort for your child. The following are some examples of common habits that could be seen as fidgeting:
- Repeatedly moving the head from side to side
- Flailing arms
- Kicking legs
- Naps that are shorter than usual or frequent waking up during the night
- Occasionally, when sleeping, I’ll wake up with jerky movements.
Is there a problem here? Should I have some concerns? Is this a normal response to the situation?
These are the questions that I have posed to myself on numerous occasions, and I have no doubt that you are posing them to yourself at this very moment if you are here reading this.
The good news is that most of the time this is normal, and there is absolutely no reason to be concerned about anything. This happens a lot, especially in the first six months of a relationship.
During the two-month visit for my baby, I inquired about the excessive fidgeting to his pediatrician. He hypothesized that my son might be experiencing problems with his digestion, specifically gas or reflux.
Both of these issues can be easily resolved by using drops or by burping more frequently. In addition to that, he explained to me that some infants are simply wiggly than others. Some of them are just a little bit fidgety, while others are really fidgety. In most cases, this is just a passing phase, and you will eventually move over it.
Why does my kid grow restless during the night or while I’m nursing her?
Is nursing uncomfortable, challenging, or really unpleasant to experience? Nursing my son was becoming increasingly unpleasant, not to mention bothersome and frustrating. Let’s be honest about that.
He was incapable of settling down. He was continually moving around, wriggling around, toying with my bra, and scratching me up and down. Also, he moved on and off the breast.
I would put him in a swaddle, but he would start sobbing until I removed the blanket and let him roam free.
After about five or six months, I decided to wean him off of breast milk and put him on a bottle instead. This is one of the reasons why. I was exhausted and couldn’t take it any longer.
The presence of gas is one of the most prevalent causes of restlessness throughout the night or when breastfeeding.
You read that correctly; the issue is that the infant is merely passing gas. If that doesn’t help, try giving them some gas drops, and if that still doesn’t work, give them some more burps.
Because my son frequently struggled with gas, we found Gripe Water helpful. You can also discuss this matter with your child’s paediatrician, but I suspect they will give you the same advice.
Fidgeting is a common symptom of acid reflux, colic, and gas.

The symptoms of acid reflux, colic, and gas in the abdomen are the three most common reasons for fidgeting. When your baby is placed on their back, you may find that they cry more frequently or fidget more than usual. This is a clue that suggests those might be the people responsible for this.
You should always seek the counsel of your doctor to be certain, that he or she will be able to prescribe the proper reaction, which may include a change to the manner in which the child is fed or a modification to the medicine that is being administered.
If you suspect that your baby has gas, you can try giving them more burps, gripe water, or another baby gas relief prescription.
Tummy time and baby bicycles, in which the baby is placed on its back and the parent gently moves the baby’s legs in a circular motion, are two more strategies that have proven successful for some parents.
How to Help a Baby Who Has Gas
Gas is one of the conditions that affect newborns and infants aged one month to six months more frequently than any other condition. It may not only be uncomfortable but even painful at times.
If your infant cries for an extended period of time after being fed, the problem may be gas. There are a few different approaches you can take to eliminate your baby’s gas as quickly as possible.
The following are some of them:
- Make sure you give your infant two burps. Taking large breaths of air during feeding can be very uncomfortable for the person doing it.
- If you feed your baby while holding them upright, you will significantly reduce the amount of air that they take in via their mouths.
- You might try utilizing the baby’s stomach water. This was something that we tried with my son, and it worked like a charm. This typically provides relief and helps newborns feel more at ease. The brand Mommy’s Bliss comes highly recommended by our team.
- Take careful note of what you eat. Some of the nutrients you eat may be transferred to your baby through breast milk, which may explain why they are experiencing gas. (caffeine, onions, spicy food, and dairy products are some examples of foods that may produce gas) Consider experimenting with a variety of various recipes. There are some that claim to cause less gas.
Final Thoughts On Fidgety Baby
It’s so difficult to watch our younger loved ones suffer. You can’t help but wish you could switch places with them and you’d do anything to make the situation disappear.
Simply maintain your composure, pay attention to how they are behaving, and do not be hesitant to seek assistance from a medical professional or a nurse.
In most cases, this will go away on its own and is caused by gas; however, if it does not, you should try some of the solutions that I outlined above or seek professional assistance. Good luck!