10 Simple Exercises To Build Hip Muscles As A Woman

Here are some of my favorite hip exercises for strengthening and shaping your hips. The majority of them can be done with only your body weight, but if you want to gain muscle growth faster, consider using a dumbbell.
1. Curtsy Lunges
Curtsy lunges are an excellent complement to the classic side lunges described above.
While the side lunge depends on external rotation of the leg to decelerate, this lunge relies on internal rotation, which helps balance your hip strength and flexibility while still largely relying on the abductors.
You can boost intensity by holding dumbbells.
- Begin by standing tall with your feet together.
- Step your right leg behind your left, bending both knees as you land and maintaining a high chest and engaged abdominals.
- As you bend, keep both knees aligned over your shoelaces and your back knee pointed toward the ground. Make an effort not to let your left leg deviate to the left. You may have the sensation of creating an “X” with your thigh bones.
- Return to your starting position by standing tall.
- Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions on each leg.
2. Squats
Squats are a basic movement pattern that will aid with various functional activities such as sitting and standing up from a chair. They are also excellent hip strengtheners.
- Begin in a standing position with your feet comfortably apart. Your toes should be slightly pointed out.
- Send your hips back, as if sitting in a chair. Maintain a long spine and knees that point over your second toe.
- Maintain abdominal engagement to support the spine. Breathe out as you lower and raise your hips until your thighs are nearly parallel to the floor.
- Keep your weight in your heels and your knees pointed slightly outward.
- As you stand up, use your glutes to push down into the earth. Return to an upright position by extending your knees with your quadriceps.
- Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
3. Squats with a sidekick
Adding a sidekick to your squat not only incorporates hip abduction into the regular squat workout but also provides you a brief encounter with a single-leg squat — a very efficient hip and leg strengthener — and challenges your balance.
- Alternate legs as you do this, as it may raise your heart rate! Hold dumbbells at your waist for a boost, or balance by holding on to a wall or chair.
- With both feet on the ground, perform the squat exercise described above.
- As you begin to straighten your legs and return to a standing position, shift your weight to your left foot and lift your right foot off the ground.
- Bend your right knee and lift your right foot off the ground. Kick your right leg straight up and out to the side (your leg should be slightly in front of your shoulder), toes pointing in front.
- Bring your right leg back down to the ground, center your weight over both feet, and squat again. Rep on the opposite side.
- Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions, alternating between legs for one rep.
4. Side Lunges
This classic workout will contour your hips by forcing your glutes to accelerate and decelerate your abductors while also generating strength.
This exercise provides some outstanding isolation of your side-movers while also keeping your inner thighs (adductors) supple and even strengthening your core as you stabilize.
Perform it with your hands on your hips or behind your head for harder core work, or add dumbbells for an extra punch.
- Begin by standing tall with your feet together.
- Step out to the side with your right foot, bending your knee as you land and keeping your left leg straight. Rotate your leg and foot out to the side, making sure your bent knee is aligned with your second toe.
- Continue to bend your right knee deeper and slide your hips back, keeping your abs engaged and your spine neutral. Your torso will slightly bend forward.
- As you complete the exercise above, keep your gaze forward and exhale.
- Return to standing by pushing off with your right foot.
- Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
5. Bulgaria Split squats
This exercise strengthens your legs and glutes, improves your stability, and causes a deep contraction in the glutes of your back leg. To increase the intensity, hold dumbbells.
- Stand 2-3 feet (approximately 60-90 cm) in front of a bench, chair, or platform, facing away from it.
- Place your left foot on the platform, keeping your knees and hips square to the front. A slightly broader stance improves stability, but don’t go too wide or you’ll miss out on the amazing glute squeeze.
- Maintain a high chest and strong abdominals as you bend both knees and lower your hips to the floor. Return to the starting posture by straightening both legs. Check that your knees are positioned over your toes.
- Before rotating to your left leg, complete the full set of 10-12 reps on your right leg.
- Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions with each leg, rotating legs between sets.
6. Sumo stroll
This exercise is excellent for strengthening your quadriceps. Maintain your weight in your heels to work the muscles in your backside. Add a small band around your thighs for more intensity and glute medius activation.
- Squat down with your arms comfortably bent in front of you.
- Maintain the squat stance and take 2-4 steps to the right, then repeat to the left.
- For example, if you want to burn, stay as low as possible.
- Perform 10 reps 2-3 times.
7. Clamshells
Clamshells are a simple approach to strengthening all of the glute muscles by stressing external rotation while avoiding abduction. For added intensity, wrap a small band around your thighs.
- Lie on your right side on a mat. Stack your legs on top of one another, knees bent at a 90-degree angle, and hips flexed at a 45-degree angle. Your knees should be somewhat forward of your hips.
- Place your head on an arm, a towel, or a yoga block.
- Maintain hip stability by rotating one knee up to the sky while keeping the other thigh on the ground, comparable to a clamshell opening. Your feet will not separate.
- Return to the starting position slowly.
8. Donkey kick
Donkey kicks are excellent for your core and glutes but maintain a neutral spine and strong abdominals throughout the exercise. This exercise can be performed with your hands or your elbows.
- Start on all fours, with your knees hip-width apart, hands under your shoulders, and your neck and spine neutral.
- Brace your core and raise your left leg behind you while maintaining your knee bent.
- Using your glutes, press your foot directly toward the ceiling, as if leaving a footprint. When you reach the top, squeeze your glutes even more.
- Make sure your hips are square to the floor.
- Return to your starting point.
9. Hip lift progression
Try a single-leg hip raise when a conventional hip lift becomes too easy. The weight is larger, and this exercise makes greater use of the stabilizing muscles to keep your pelvis stable.
- Begin by lying face up on your mat, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and legs hip-width apart. Maintain your feet on the ground. Place your hands at your sides, palms down.
- Lift your right leg off the ground, keeping your knee bent, and leave your left leg alone.
- Exhale and press your left foot into the floor, engaging your glutes and hamstrings to raise your pelvis toward the ceiling.
- Breathe in at the top, keeping a straight line from your knee to your chin.
10. Hip lifts or shoulder bridges,
Try a single-leg hip raise when a conventional hip lift becomes too easy. The weight is larger, and this exercise makes greater use of the stabilizing muscles to keep your pelvis stable.
- Begin by lying face up on your mat, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and legs hip-width apart. Maintain your feet on the ground. Place your hands at your sides, palms down.
- Lift your right leg off the ground, keeping your knee bent, and leave your left leg alone.
- Exhale and press your left foot into the floor, engaging your glutes and hamstrings to raise your pelvis toward the ceiling.
- Breathe in at the top, keeping a straight line from your knee to your chin.
3 Workouts Specifically For The Waistline
Again, the shape of your core has a strong genetic component, and all the crunches in the world won’t change that. You may, however, strengthen your core and enhance your posture to seem longer and leaner.
Focus on pulling in your abdominal wall with a deep, hollow grip rather than bracing and pushing out with bodyweight core workouts.
Also, keep in mind that abdominal aesthetics are determined by the amount of body fat carried in the midsection. For the best outcomes, pay attention to your nutrition and continue the regular cardiovascular workouts.
- Some excellent options for a long, slim midsection include:
- Plank observed Pilates swimming
- Crunches on a bicycle
There is no natural way to change your bone structure, but by training carefully and eating a well-balanced diet, you can restructure your waist and hips to show off an hourglass form.