How To Keep Newborn Babies Germ Free

The criteria for keeping your baby healthy are the same whether you are a first-time parent or a professional in taking care of newborn babies
It’s critical to understand the precautions you should take to keep your newborn babies germ free and prevent them from getting a cold or infection, as this could be very detrimental.
Because their immune systems haven’t had time to develop, newborns are extremely vulnerable to infections.
For the first few months of their life, they rely on the protection given down by their mothers. Following these simple recommendations can help parents keep their newborn babies germ free and healthy.
To reduce the number of germs in the surroundings, thoroughly clean frequently-touched surfaces (counters, phones, computer keyboards, tap handles, etc.) before bringing your newborn home from the hospital.
However, instead of continually sterilizing every surface in your home, snuggle up with your new bundle of joy and follow these simple rules to keep newborn babies germ free.
Understanding the Immune System of a Newborn Baby
Your newborn’s immune system is young, which means she can’t fight viruses or bacteria effectively. Your infant receives some protection in the first few weeks of life from antibodies passed from you through the placenta shortly after delivery. Breastfeeding also strengthens the immune system.
Her immune system has matured by the 2- to the 3-month point. And as the months pass, the bacteria your baby unknowingly exposes herself to while gumming her way around the world can even help strengthen her immune system, making her better able to combat diseases down the line.
But it doesn’t mean you should throw caution (or your cleaning spray) to the wind when it comes to germs and babies.
Tips For Keeping Your Newborn Babies Germ-Free

Use these tips to protect your infant from germs that could make her sick.
1. Stay at Home
Don’t be concerned if your to-do list is growing. That trip to the grocery store (or vacation fly home) can wait until your newborn’s immune system has matured.
Meanwhile, stay at home and enjoy the cuddles. Your task right now is to bond with your kid and acclimatize to life with a new addition. If you’re suffering from cabin fever, take your small one for a walk around the neighbourhood to get some fresh air.
2. Maintain Cleanliness
That is, within reason. Hand washing is rule number one when you have a newborn in the house. When it comes to cleaning everything else, however, just do your best.
Clean frequently touched surfaces (such as kitchen worktops and the bathroom washbasin) on a regular basis.
As baby’s laundry piles up, choosing a fragrance-free detergent can help preserve her sensitive skin. And what about the baby? Don’t go overboard. Bathing a newborn no more than two to three times a week is recommended; bathing her more frequently may cause her skin to dry out. Cleanliness keeps newborn babies germ free
3. Keep Track Of Your Child’s Vaccinations.
Washing your hands and washing every surface in your house can only get you so far. Getting your baby’s immunizations on time from birth and throughout childhood is one of the most critical things you can do to keep her healthy and avoid serious diseases.
Don’t forget to keep up with your own vaccinations (flu shot, Tdap, COVID-19 vaccine, etc.). If you’re unsure whether you’re up to date on your vaccines, consult your doctor.
4. Leave Out The Leftovers.
Discard any remaining breast milk, formula, or packaged baby food. Germs thrive in saliva that clings to the nipple of an unfinished bottle of formula or that is transferred into a jar of food from a feeding spoon.
Before making milk or food, wash your hands. Fill bottles with only as much as you believe your baby will consume in one sitting (you can always add more). Refrigerate prepared bottles of formula until ready to use.
Pour jarred food into a separate bowl to store uneaten bits in the refrigerator. Any leftover food or drink should always be discarded.
There is usually no need to sterilize baby bottles, nipples, and pacifiers on a regular basis. Running them through the dishwasher or scrubbing them by hand in hot, soapy water (with a bottle brush if required) will typically get them clean enough.
However, you should disinfect bottles and pacifiers before using them with your newborn for the first time, when they get particularly dirty (for your peace of mind), and if your baby has thrush. If your infant is early, you may need to sterilize bottles more frequently. This act aids in keeping newborn babies germ free
5. Avoid Using Wet Or Damp Surfaces.
Keep your baby away from items that have fallen onto wet or moist surfaces or that are themselves damp (for instance, an abandoned teething toy or a sucked-on pretzel). Mold, mildew, and germs that thrive in damp environments could make your baby unwell.
But don’t be concerned about food scraps on the floor or carpet. As long as you clean your floors on a regular basis, the bacteria that occupy these surfaces — even those that end up on the stalest of Cheerios — are unlikely to be hazardous.
6. Be Cautious When Around Pets.
In general, you don’t need to be concerned about your beloved family pet – even if your pup has a habit of licking your baby’s cheeks.
Some evidence suggests that newborns who are exposed to dogs during their first year are less likely to develop animal allergies later in life, while there is always the possibility that your kid will become allergic to pets in the future.
If you’re not sure, or if your child seems to be sneezing or wheezing a lot around the household cat or dog, consult your pediatrician.
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However, keep your baby away from the leftovers of your four-legged family members, such as uneaten food (particularly wet food, which can spoil), toys, half-chewed snacks, and pet faeces (from dog-doo to clumps in the kitty litter).
Remove Fido and Fluffy’s uneaten meals from the floor, keep the litter box out of reach of your infant to prevent the danger of toxoplasmosis, and keep pet toys out of reach.
7. Keep An Eye Out
Don’t be concerned about grass or sand from the beach. A little taste of the vast outdoors won’t hurt your baby, and she’ll soon realize on her own that this stuff isn’t particularly tasty.
Just keep your child away from more dangerous stuff on the ground outside, such as dog poop, human spit, cigarette butts, and other garbage (as well as pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals; while these aren’t germs per se, they aren’t healthy for babies).
Don’t even think of returning your baby’s dropped dummy or cracker. Pack extras to have on hand when out and about.
8. Visitors Should Be Limited.
Everyone adores a new baby, and every family and friend under the sun is undoubtedly eager to meet your new bundle of joy.
Set boundaries around visitors, though. If they’re feeling under the weather, ask loved ones to postpone their baby meet-and-greet. Before holding your newborn, make sure everyone washes their hands and that they are masked and vaccinated against COVID-19, the flu, and whooping cough.
Don’t get caught up in playing hostess; instead, gently limit how long your visitors can stay so you can get back to bonding with your kid.
When to Consult a Doctor
If, despite your best efforts to keep your newborn babies germ free, still, your baby becomes ill, try not to be too concerned, but feel free to contact the pediatrician (if for no other reason than for reassurance).
A fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher in neonates up to 3 months old (particularly babies 1-2 months old) necessitates rapid medical intervention.
Call the doctor if your baby has a fever that lasts longer than a few days or that won’t go down with a fever-reducer medicine like infant Tylenol.
Many infections and diseases can be treated at home. However, if your infant has concerning symptoms and/or does not appear to be improving, or if your gut tells you that something is wrong, contact your paediatrician to see if a visit is necessary.
Your maternal instincts have kicked in by now. Trust your instincts and don’t feel bad if something minor goes wrong. You can’t constantly keep your infant safe from every possible germ in the world. Getting sick is a normal part of life, especially in the early years.
And repeated bouts of infection can actually help strengthen your baby’s immune system, making it stronger in the long run and allowing your child to fight off the next bug that comes along.