15+ Important Things To Know About Having A Baby

When I was pregnant with my first child many years and a million sleepless nights ago, I approached having a baby, in the same way, I approached college courses: by reading everything I could get my hands on, taking notes, attending classes, and participating in message boards. I’d always been a wonderful student — and definitely an overachiever — and I was determined to receive an A+ in Motherhood 101 as well.
Attended my birthing classes on time, saw the hospital, and dragged my husband to the breastfeeding readiness session. I used hypoallergenic, dye- and scent-free detergent to wash all of the bodysuits and gowns. I worked on my Kegels.
Then I had a child.
And, like all postpartum women, I found myself in my bed, body fluids leaking from everywhere, stitches in places I didn’t know I had, my breasts expanding at an exponential and alarming rate, my hormones crashing down around me, and all I could think was, “Nobody told me about this. There was no chapter that talked about this in otherhood 101.
Here are sixteen things I wish someone had told me about having a baby — and that I had heard:

1. You’d Miss The “Angel Choirs”
One thing you need to know about Having a baby is that you will definitely miss the “angel choirs”. A doctor may still be sewing you halfway up your body, or a nurse may be pumping your stomach to assist you in delivering your placenta.
You could be in a lot of discomfort. You may be more tired than you have ever been in your life. It’s all right if you don’t hear the angels. There will come a time when you can enjoy those magical moments with your new baby.
2. Difficulty Visiting The Bathroom
Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help; don’t risk passing out alone. Be aware that this is merely the beginning of your loss of motherly dignity. After all, you’ll have years ahead of you when you won’t be able to use the restroom alone. Might as well begin now.
3. Breastfeeding is difficult, but not impossible.
Breastfeeding is difficult, and it takes time to get it right. However, it is a terrific start for your child, and if you choose to do it, make sure you are well-prepared. Most breastfeeding concerns can be readily resolved if you seek the appropriate assistance.
Please speak with friends who have successfully nursed to get the whole picture and ideas for useful services such as lactation consultants.
Also read: Why Does My Baby Squirm While Breastfeeding?
Get all the assistance you require while in the hospital following delivery. Look for a reputable lactation consultant who can show you how to breastfeed. You must learn to recognize a proper latch and whether or not your infant is feeding properly.
4. You Will Most Certainly Cry On The Fourth Postpartum Day
This is typically when your hormones plummet. This is the day when you realize your life is finished, your partner is a jerk, and you can’t do anything properly.
Also read: How To Heal From Postpartum Depression
You’ll cry merely for the sake of crying. You are permitted. (BUT — if you continue to cry and feel sad, seek treatment immediately.)
5. Avoid Wearing Real Clothes For At Least 2 Weeks
People start expecting you to be competent once you step out of your pyjamas. Wear clean, fresh pyjamas if necessary, but stay in our jammies if you don’t want to cook, clean, and entertain visitors on top of the bleeding, oozing, leaking, and caring for another human life that occurs during the first two weeks.
6. Not All Babies Sleep Long Hours
Every baby book and website will tell you that babies sleep between 12 and 16 hours each day. That makes it sound like they sleep all the time while you go about your business. However, not all babies sleep for long periods of time. Babies are just as varied as adults. Some people sleep more soundly than others.
7. Follow Your Instincts
Don’t let anyone convince you that you don’t know your own baby best, or that you’re not doing a good job. There is no one right method to parent, and there are numerous approaches to being a successful parent. You are not required to do what your mother, mother-in-law, or grandmother did. Pay attention to your instincts.
8. Seek Support
Community groups, breastfeeding support groups, hospital new mom groups, whatever you can find. Even if you return to work following your maternity leave, networking with other new mothers can be a lifeline. Having a newborn is similar to starting college for the first time – you need to meet other first-year students so you can all be clueless together.
9. Avoid Being A Martyr.
When they grow up, children do not visit martyrs for the holidays. Hire a babysitter or beg your friends to come and hold the baby while you shower and nap. It’s not simple to adjust to life as a mother.
You can’t button your shirt properly one day and be a person merely taking care of oneself the next. Don’t be scared to declare, “This is difficult!” or “This stinks!” It’s difficult, and it stinks at times. That doesn’t mean you’re not grateful for the gift of having a baby or absolutely smitten with your child.
10. Capture Their Childhood
More than everything, I wish someone had told me this about having a baby: the first year of being a mother is unlike anything else you will ever experience, regardless of how many children you have. Every single day is a miracle, a new adventure.
My spouse has relatively few baby pictures and wishes he had more to treasure. So when we found out we were having a baby, he insisted on upgrading to a better camera. In fact, it was perhaps the most expensive piece of baby equipment we purchased.
And I’m pleased he did since now we have so many beautiful images and movies of a fleeting time to look back on.
“Oh my!” I think when I glance at my daughter’s infant pictures. “I had forgotten about that!” Sometimes it appears like those photographs are of a different infant. It’s remarkable how quickly things change. Not to mention that you are usually too exhausted to recall anything.
11. No Sleep For You
I was severely sleep deprived after having a baby. I asked another acquaintance with greater experience (who has two older children) whether I will be able to sleep properly through the night. “Definitely not until they’re 20!” she exclaimed, laughing.
You gradually come to know that sleep is a privilege for new parents. “Sleep when the baby sleeps,” is the best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten. Please do not clean, do not wash laundry, and do not use that time to cook; instead, sleep! Take turns remaining up late.
Do your homework and pick what works best for your family, whether you choose to co-sleep, sleep train, or whatever. Choose whatever gets everyone more sleep, at least until you reach a point where you aren’t exhausted all the time.
Otherwise, not only will the baby cry but you will as well. You can always alter your plans if circumstances change.
12. Always Have In Mind; It Takes A Village To Raise A Child
They say it takes a village to raise a child, and they are correct. Get all the assistance you can: you will need it. Request babysitting from family and friends, even if only for an hour, so you may shower and eat without having to rush to your kid.
Do not deny assistance with cooking and chores. Allow your partner to share the burden evenly. It’s okay to not be super mom or super dad if the house is disorganized or meals are hurriedly prepared. These concerns will resolve themselves as your child grows. For the time being, just go with the flow.
Look for other new parents through playgroups, parenting support groups, breastfeeding cafes, and even online. It is easier to seek aid, advice, support, and guidance from those who are in the same stage of life.
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I didn’t have my family nearby when I had a kid, so I created my own community of friends and family for support on Facebook. As a new parent, it was a huge source of comfort for me.
13. Don’t Rush, Let Nature Do Its Thing
Milestones are intended to be developmental indicators rather than yardsticks for measuring your child’s growth and progress.
Celebrate your child’s accomplishments and let them arrive on their own. Many parents believe they must assist or educate their child to crawl, turn on their stomach, and walk.
Please allow nature to do its job. These are instinctive behaviours that youngsters will develop over time. There is no need to raise your child up to sit or hold their hands to allow them to walk until they can stand up properly on their own.
Also read: Choosing A Parenting Style
Allowing them to do this on their own is not only healthy for their health (it helps create strong muscle and bone structure), but it also teaches your child to trust their body at an early age.
14 Don’t Buy The World Cus You Are Having A Baby
You only need a bunch of nappies, a few baby sleepsuits, and a few blankets to get started. A newborn does not require high-tech equipment. So consider twice before purchasing that expensive gadget.
Your love and presence are all they require in plenty. Most first-time parents overspend on the latest gadgets to make life easier. But take it slowly, consult with your parents, and consider whether you really need it. Instead, preserve that money for the future.
15. Enjoy Every Moment
Having a baby entails being full of love, pleasure, hope, and unfathomable happiness, even when you’re exhausted. You will laugh harder than you have ever laughed before. The sleepless nights, toilet training, and tantrums will all be over soon.
Time passes quickly, and your infant will be a toddler and, before you know it, ready for school. Enjoy the baby stage; it’s so unique and fleeting that you’ll regret it terribly when it’s gone.
Seeing your child grow up is one of the most amazing and mysterious experiences you will ever have. Don’t be concerned about the baby all the time.
16. Rediscover Love With Your Partner
Parenting strains your relationship, especially in the early stages when the new circumstance is difficult for both of you and survival is the primary priority. Even the most loving partnership suffers.
There are never enough hours in the day to complete chores or errands, you are both fatigued, and with a newborn around, romance is no longer on the schedule. As a result, it’s critical to spend time together as a couple without discussing duties or your baby.
If you can’t always get a babysitter, plan dating nights at home. If you dispute in front of your kid, makeup in front of your baby as well. It is critical to provide a safe, pleasant, and secure environment for your child to grow up in.