7 Reliable Tips On How To Get Rid Of Hanging Belly After C-Section?

Giving birth is definitely a magnificent experience. Moms are magnificent; they grow and bring life into the world, then completely and passionately love the tiny humans they made.
As magical as it may be, it is no secret that pregnancy and birth can create changes in women’s bodies, and it can take a long time for new mums to regain their bodies.’
If you had a C-section, you may now have an overhanging belly that will not return to normal, no matter how hard you try.
It takes time to recover from childbirth, whether natural or C-section, but there are things you may take to get rid of a hanging tummy after a C-section.
Why Do I Have an Overhang Belly Following a C-section?

When it comes to giving birth, it is commonly believed that having a C-section is the easiest way out.
Natural birth is not simple and can be a traumatic and drawn-out experience for many women, yet some people mistakenly believe that having the baby surgically removed through your abdomen is a breeze.
You are in the minority if giving birth did not pain and was much easier than you thought.
Getting a baby out of your body and into the world is rarely a walk in the park, whether you push the baby out or have a Caesarean section.
A C-section is not easy; it is a big procedure with a far longer recovery time than spontaneous birth. Giving birth by C-section can also result in a stomach overhang in new mothers.
An ‘apron belly’ is prevalent after pregnancy, although it appears to afflict C-section mothers more than vaginal birth mothers.
You are not alone if you have a tummy overhang after a C-section. A sagging stomach after pregnancy is natural, and there are various reasons for this:
1. Skin surface area expansion
The surface area of the skin on your stomach rises as your baby grows and your bump swells during pregnancy. The skin surface area does not immediately return to normal once your kid is no longer within your womb.
2. Muscles stretched
Your abdominal muscles stretch throughout pregnancy to accommodate your growing baby. This excessive straining weakens the stomach muscles, rendering them incapable of keeping your abdominal wall flat and robust.
4. Skin that is thinner
Because of hormonal changes during pregnancy, your skin will become thinner than usual. Thin skin is looser and will contribute to the tummy overhang that so many new mothers dread.
5. Scar from a C-section
To deliver the baby, doctors cut into the skin, connective tissues in the belly, and uterine wall during a C-section.
This big surgery, however, will leave new mothers with a scar across the bottom of their tummies.
A belly overhang is common following a C-section because the incision scar has the same effect as a tight band across the abdomen. The stretched skin with limited elasticity will hang over the tight C-section scar, resulting in a stomach hang, sometimes known as a ‘C-section’ pouch.
The most essential thing is to bring your baby into the world safely, and if that means giving up your once-flat stomach, don’t worry.
You’re a mommy now, so kiss your baby and keep reading to learn how to get rid of a hanging tummy after a C-section.
How Long Does It Take For A Pouch To Disappear After A C-Section?

Every woman is different, and every postpartum recovery journey is unique. You’ve undoubtedly realized by now that you won’t be able to reclaim your old physique within days of having a baby.
It took you 9 months to grow your kid, and you must allow your body time to repair and recuperate – ‘bouncing back’ to pre-pregnancy size is not a realistic expectation for the majority of women.
There is no time restriction for shedding baby weight, minimizing the C-section pouch, and getting your tummy back to normal. Pregnancy takes its toll on your body, and it takes time for things to return to normal.
You may still appear pregnant in the days and weeks following birth.
Instead of a baby bump, you will now have a soft and deflated tummy; your stomach may still appear huge and with little to no muscle definition; all of this is entirely normal.
Your uterus will not totally shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size until around 6 weeks postpartum, so don’t anticipate your stomach to look anything like it did before that time.
The postpartum period is for rest and bonding with your newborn. You should not be concerned with losing the baby’s weight.
However, after your doctor has cleared you to exercise, there are actions you can take to begin safely losing weight and getting rid of the C-section pouch.
How to Remove a C-Section Overhang Without Surgery – 7 Ways to Remove a Hanging Belly

If your doctor has cleared you to resume exercising after your C-section, you may now begin taking action to get rid of your C-section pouch.
Before going on this weight reduction journey, keep in mind that every woman is different, and what works for one mother may not work for another.
If you’re ready to reclaim your pre-pregnancy stomach, here are seven techniques to help repair the stomach overhang after a C-section:
1. Rest
Getting lots of rest is the first step toward healing and losing weight after pregnancy. We understand that getting enough sleep is easier said than done when you have a newborn infant, but obtaining enough sleep will help your body shed weight.
Try to get 7 hours of sleep per day; being well-rested will give you more energy to work out and will improve your overall attitude.
2. Consume a well-balanced diet.
Eating correctly is vital at all phases of life, but it is especially critical when losing weight.
If you want to lose your mummy’s belly and get rid of your post-C-section overhang, you should consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, nutritious grains, and water.
When it comes to your stomach, the healthier you eat, the faster you will achieve the benefits you desire.
3. Exercise
When beginning an exercise regimen following a C-section, it is critical to first obtain approval from your doctor. Exercising too soon after surgery may result in issues and do more harm than benefit.
Once you’ve received permission, you can begin completing workouts to tighten your abdominal muscles and reduce the size of your stomach overhang.
Remember to take it slowly; you’ll be able to get rid of your mummy’s belly in time if you don’t rush the process. If you’ve had a C-section, here are some core exercises you can do safely:
- Planks on the sides
- Pelvic inclinations
- Heel slippers
- The Kegels Bridge
- Squats
- Cardio sits against the wall
4. Walk
Walking is an easy and safe approach to reintroducing yourself to fitness after a C-section. Put your baby in the stroller and go for a walk around the block or to the park.
Can you meet your new mother buddies on foot rather than by car? The more physical activity you engage in, the better.
You must burn calories if you want to lose weight and get rid of the fat in your stomach overhang. Long walks are a simple way to burn calories that don’t require a gym membership or any extra equipment.
5. Breastfeed your child
Did you realize that breastfeeding expends calories? There are many benefits to breastfeeding, and one of them is that it can help you lose weight. Breastfeeding is expected to burn an extra 500 calories each day.
Nursing women should not follow stringent diets that eliminate entire food groups, yet you can lose weight while breastfeeding healthily.
When a woman breastfeeds her kid, her womb shrinks faster than if she feeds her infant formula.
Because breastfeeding releases oxytocin, the hormone responsible for contractions, the uterus shrinks faster in nursing moms. Oxytocin causes the uterus to contract and return to its normal size in the pelvis.
6. Invest in a personal trainer.
If you’re having trouble coming up with an effective training routine on your own, consider hiring a personal trainer.
There are personal trainers who specialize in assisting women who have had a C-section and have an overhanging belly. To get benefits and avoid damage, you must exercise consistently yet carefully.
A personal trainer may create a fitness plan tailored to your unique needs and assist you in your quest for a flat tummy after a C-section.
You could attempt the MUTU programme instead of a personal trainer to help you get rid of your C-section pouch or stomach overhang.
MUTU is an online programme aimed to assist pregnant and postpartum women in exercising safely.
The MUTU programme has been shown in studies to help prevent and repair diastasis recti, as well as to improve new moms’ emotional health.
7. Put on a belly band.
Postpartum stomach compression, sometimes known as “belly bands,” is sometimes used after a C-section to assist recovery and protect the incision scar.
However, many mothers have commended belly bands for assisting them in their quest for a flatter tummy after childbirth.
Belly bands will not help you lose weight, but they will tighten your stomach muscles, minimize oedema, and make your stomach appear flattered under clothing.
Always check with your doctor to see if using a compression garment after a C-section is safe for you. A belly band will not remove the fat from your stomach overhang, but it will assist tighten your abdominal muscles and correcting diastasis recti (separated abdominal muscles).
8. Overhang C-section Surgery
For some ladies, exercise and time are not the best ways to achieve a flatter tummy.
Even if a woman follows a tight fitness regimen and a nutritious diet, she may not reduce the C-section overhang as quickly as she would want. Surgery to eliminate a stomach overhang or C-section pouch is an option.
An abdominoplasty treatment, sometimes known as a ‘tummy tuck,’ is the most frequent approach to removing a C-section overhang.
Excess skin, fat, unattractive scars, stretch marks, and abdominal muscles are removed by a surgeon during tummy tuck treatments. A C-section overhang will be removed, giving the appearance of a flatter stomach.
Cosmetic surgery is costly, and it is not for everyone. Recovery from a stomach tuck can take weeks, and it may be difficult for you to rest while caring for a baby or child.
Tummy tuck outcomes vary from person to person, so it is critical to discuss your expectations with your surgeon and ask as many questions as you want during your appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
In the beginning, diet and exercise will be your best option for removing your hanging belly. However, if this is not working or you want a faster cure, a belly tuck may be something you should consider.
It is widely assumed that having a c-section will make it more difficult to lose post-pregnancy abdominal fat. Despite the fact that a c-section requires substantial abdominal surgery, you can still shed excess belly fat.
You must allow your body to heal. It can take up to 8 weeks for your uterus to return to normal size.
Last Thought
After a C-section, it is feasible to get rid of a hanging tummy. Do not be discouraged if you have a pouch or tummy that hangs over your C-section scar.
When you are ready and your doctor has cleared you to exercise, you can begin working out and concentrating on strengthening and tightening your abdominal muscles.
As you lose weight through exercise and healthy nutrition, you should notice that your stomach overhang disappears.
The recovery process following a C-section will take time. Show yourself some love and compassion; your belly has only been home to your kid for the last 9 months, and your body is incredible.
Give yourself some time and follow the advice above, and you’ll be more at ease in your new body before you know it.