Best 10 Christian Books On Parenting For Every Parent

Are you a parent looking for Christian books on parenting? Do you want to be guided in the Christian way and parenting principles?
Are you a guardian, teacher, or caregiver looking for Christian books on parenting to help improve your relationship with your child or ward?
This piece is for you. This gives the top 10 Christian books on parenting for every Christian parent or any parent who wants to improve their relationship with their child and prepare their child for the future.
Below are the top 10 Christian books based on reviews.
Top 10 Christian Books On Parenting
Sometimes as a parent, you take actions hoping they will be suitable for the child and you, but they do not give you the expected result.
Parenting, most of the time, is a job where we learn the skills on the job, which, like every other job, has a high risk of learning on the job.
We always try to learn the skills associated with a job before applying. But in parenting, it is often not the case.
Below are 10 Christian books on parenting to help you acquire the required skill for the job and train your children right by all standards.
1. Shepherding a Child’s Heart (Author: Tedd Tripp)

Shepherding a Child’s Heart is one of the top 10 Christian books on parenting about communicating with your child’s heart. (Luke 6:45). This insightful book is for parents with children of any age. It gives you ideas and tips for leading your child’s heart down the right path in life.
This book’s central focus is how parents are responsible for shaping their children’s hearts. Rather than simply controlling your child’s behavior, you should help them identify the heart issues that are causing the behavior.
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Parents often worry more about how their children act outside than getting to the root of the issue. When the heart is addressed, the behavior follows suit.
In his book, Tedd Tripp talks about how shaping impacts and a focus on God can work together. Tripp explains that shaping influences shape who a child becomes.
The book is divided into two sections. The first part talks about the goal of being a parent and how God’s Word shows us how to do this vital job.
The second half gives helpful advice on using these techniques at three stages of development: infancy, childhood, and adolescence.
Get “Shepherding a Child’s Heart” on Amazon
2. Grace-Based Parenting (Author: Tim Kimmel)

Grace based parenting is not merely a set of rules; it is a way of life in which we pursue God’s grace in our own lives while pointing our children to God’s grace.
Grace Based Parenting focuses on a parenting style that reflects God’s love and forgiveness and replaces fear as a motivator.
Highlighting Why fear-based parenting is a guaranteed method to set children up for failure and how to provide a safe space for children to develop into functional adults with purpose, security, and inner strength
Dr. Tim Kimmel gives a timeless perspective on parenting. Dr. Kimmel suggests a way of parenting that is the exact opposite of being strict and using lists that don’t work. He stresses how important it is to show your family Christ’s unconditional love and remind them of this timeless message of grace.
Get “Grace based parenting” on Amazon
3. Parenting With Love And Logic (Author: Foster Cline and Jim Fay)

This book makes the list of the top Christian books on parenting. This book shows you how to raise self-confident, motivated children ready for the real world. Learn how to effectively parent your children while teaching them responsibility and character growth.
Foster Cline and Jim Fay’s book, Parenting with Love & Logic, is about tough love. It’s a book that believes that children need love, but also need to learn life lessons from an early age.
The central concept of Love and Logic is that children must learn about consequences and accountability.
Cline and Fay argue that parents must treat their children as they will be treated in the real world. They assert that parents must stop providing children with “soft places to land” and instead provide them with realistic consequences.
Letting children deal with the consequences of their actions in childhood is less harmful than dealing with those consequences in adulthood. Parents should focus on teaching profound lessons once.
Get “Parenting With Love And Logic” on Amazon
4. Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World (Author: Kristen Welch)

Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World teaches parents how to lead and love their children in a biblical way that teaches respect, responsibility, and the value of serving others. Creating a spirit of genuine gratitude in your home.
Kristen Welch knows firsthand how difficult it is. She has discovered that saying yes too frequently is bad for your peace of mind. And your wallet and puts your children at risk in the long run.
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She shares the ups and downs of her own family’s journey to understand why it’s best not to give their children everything.
The distinction between “want” and “need” is an essential first step. She shares many practical tips and memories on how to help children become hard-working, fulfilled, and successful adults.
Get “Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World” on Amazon
5. Mama Bear Apologetics (Author: Hillary Morgan Ferrer)

Mama Bear Apologetics is an intelligent and funny look at the false ideas children are being fed today, often by well-meaning Christian moms who don’t know any better. This book is among the top Christian books on parenting, explaining cultural lies, how to spot them, and how to fight them with logic and kindness.
Morgan begins by laying a foundation for mothers, influential family members, or Sunday school volunteers seeking to learn and practice apologetics for children.
This book is divided into two parts. The first part discusses the practice of apologetics, their specific method, and how to avoid “linguistic theft,” which occurs when words are twisted beyond their original meanings for rhetorical advantage.
Part 2, “Lies You’ve Probably Heard But Didn’t Know What They Were Called,” is the book’s heart. Each chapter begins by describing the cultural lie and its history using accurate analogies.
Then chapters move to a “ROAR like a Mother!” section consisting of four parts:
- RECOGNIZE the Message
- OFFER Discernment
- ARGUE for a Healthier Approach
- REINFORCE Through Discussion, Discipleship, and Prayer
Finally, the book concludes with a list of suggested readings for those who want to learn more about the topics covered in each chapter.
Get “Mama Bear Apologetics” on Amazon
6. Risen Motherhood (Author: Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler)

Risen Motherhood is about applying the gospel to motherhood’s unique joys and challenges. It begins with a couple of chapters describing the gospel, demonstrating that it is best understood as a narrative and explaining how this gospel narrative applies even to motherhood.
Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler help you understand and apply the gospel to everyday issues that moms face, so you can connect your Sunday morning faith to your Monday morning tantrum.
The book’s heart is a series of chapters, each of which examines a common topic among moms and demonstrates how the gospel applies to it. Emily and Laura follow the standard structure of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation in each case.
Get “Risen Motherhood” on Amazon
7. Boys Should Be Boys (Author: Meg Meeker)

Boys Should Be Boys helps parents reclaim the joys of childhood and prepare today’s boys to become the mature, confident, and thoughtful men of tomorrow.
Meg Meeker explains that boys need the freedom to explore and test their limits, even if it means a few scrapes, bruises, and challenging moments.
She cuts through these two extremes with a simple call to action: double your time with our boys while loving them enough to force them to grow in challenging and engaging situations.
She begins with a review of the problem and then goes over the following seven areas of focus in 12 chapters:
- Knowing how to encourage your son
- Understanding what your boys need.
- Recognizing that boys are made for the outdoors.
- Acknowledging that virtue is not just for girls.
- Learning how to teach your son about the great life’s questions.
- Always remember the most important person in your son’s life is you.
Get “Boys Should Be Boys” on Amazon
8. Sacred Parenting (Author: Gary Thomas)

Sacred Parenting reaffirms the spiritual value of parenting by demonstrating the divine potential of the parent-child relationship. It flips the script and shows how God uses our children to change us.
Parenting is a spiritual formation school, and our children are our teachers. You’ll be encouraged by stories about how other parents dealt with the difficulties and challenges of raising a godly family.
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Sacred Parenting dives deep into the spiritual dynamics of parenting and why caring for children is such an efficient discipline in soul formation. Gary Thomas demonstrates how God uses children to profoundly change their parents through scriptural insights and encouraging real-life stories.
Get “Sacred Parenting” on Amazon
9. Bringing Up Girls (Author: James Dobson)

Bringing Up Girls will help you confront the challenges of raising your daughters to be healthy, strong, and confident women who excel in life.
Dobson believes that parents are responsible for not just overseeing the growth and development of their daughters (and sons) but for raising them purposefully—instilling certain qualities and traits of character into them.
Several chapters of the book are devoted to fathers and their vital influence on their daughters, for good or bad.
Get “Bringing Up Girls” on Amazon
10. Grace-Based Discipline (Author: Karis Kimmel Murray)

Among the top 10 Christian books on parenting, “Grace Based Discipline” emphasizes the distinction between the parenting behavior modification model that is prevalent today and a more thorough model based on meeting a child’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
Karis explains her technique for gaining emotional distance at the moment so she can respond to the behavior and situation rather than the child.
In Grace Based Discipline, you learn how to:
- Stay calm, even when you’re staring down the barrel of a loaded toddler
- Customize your discipline to your child’s unique personality, age, and needs
- Set rules based on God’s priorities, not yours
- Apply consequences that work
Get “Grace-Based Discipline” on Amazon
Frequently Asked Questions About Christians Books on Parenting
The biblical role of a parent is to be a good steward of the children God has entrusted to them. Parents are responsible for caring for their children’s spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.
Christian parents’ primary goal should be to lead their children to save faith in Christ and to set them on a path to maturity, bringing them to the full measure of his glory (Eph 4:13).
Our children need love, time, guidance, discipline, and boundaries. They need to learn about values, virtues, and the importance of a strong work ethic. They need to be taught about God and the importance of prayer and be helped to value life and to love their faith.
It’s more complicated than ever to instill in our children the godly confidence they desperately need these days. That is why we should open our hearts to learn Godly principles to guide our children by reading different Christian books on parenting.
Any Christian books on parenting mentioned above will help you become a better parent in diverse ways, but I encouraged you to go through at least two of the books, put their lessons to practice and watch God make you a better parent to your children.