My name is Viv. I’m a Housewife and a Mom. My superpower is being a busy mom of 5. I’m on a mission to help women like me and especially Stay At Home Mom’s to discover their full potentials while raising well grounded children. I am a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Speaker and Trainer. I’m also a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) Coach and Intentional Parenting Advocate.
As a SAHM for over 14 years, I’ve mastered the act of self realization and have successfully channeled my energy into intentional parenting. Embarking on the journey of intentional parenting while enjoying my life as a housewife has helped me to build a special bond with my spouse Ken and a positive relationship with my children Chelsy, Chanel, Cheris, Chevy and Chanan while at the same time “securing the bag”. Come join me on this journey to a Special Discovery. We would walk together.